HP (Hewlett-Packard) is well known for manufacturing electronic gadgetswhich are reliable and cost effective. In terms of customersatisfaction it is creating new mile stone. hp has introduced excellentprinter models in all ranges to meet the demands of both home and business users. But due to some common issue, you may undergo afrustrating experience.
But don't get down with your temper. There are leading solutionproviders in the market who can do the HP printer repair with greatsatisfaction. Even with simple knowledge you can also perform littlebit of HP printer repair work. Follow this article to resolve some of your printer issues:
1. If there is some paper jam issue, make a test printing. Observe thesound of your printer. Notice, how long the paper proceeds. If there ismultiple trays in your printer, try with different tray there might beissue with your paper tray. Its roller may have corrupted. You mayobserve the surface of the roller with your hand. You can replace theroller if required.
2. Follow the manuals to fix the new roller, slide it onto the prongand push it all the way in. You would hear the click sound. Hence, your HP printer repair job is over. You can print a page for trail.
3. Issue pertaining to cartridges can be addressed in an easy manner.Open the left-hand door and look for the cartridge. Remember, don'tperform it when your printer's fuser is hot, and allow it to cool.Firmly remove the fuser by lifting the locked hinges. Observe theroller of the fuser, if they are seized it means they need to bereplaced. Slide the new fuser cartridge and flip the levers to thelocked position. Power on the printer and make a trial. Most probably,this could solve your purpose and HP printer repair has been successful.
4. Some times you may not be getting any power on your hp printer evenwith proper power supply. In the situation you can do HP printer repairwork by a smart judgment with the power cable used. Remember, laserprinters use a standard power cord, deskjet and photo printerstypically use a proprietary power supply. Again, observe the powerbrick, it should be warm but not hot. If it is getting overheated thenreplace the cable.
Read more: eHow.com
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